
Seeking Beauty

08/16/2024 - 09/29/2024

Seeking Beauty: Works by Heidi Love Larraz
McNichols Civic Center Building, First Floor
Aug. 16 – Sept. 29, 2024

Heidi Love Larraz is an American realist with influences of surrealism. Her work is most often inspired by the natural world, where she has found the majestic subjects that captivate her most. We see in her work the sublime power and beauty of nature.

Graduating from Prescott College in 1993, she began almost immediately working as an intern for the renowned sculptor and master potter, Heath Krieger, interning solo for three years. Krieger’s approach to his art and teaching is rooted in Japanese tradition, focusing on constant repetition, detachment from ego, and the continual awareness of shape. Beyond this technical training, her internship presented an opportunity to learn how to discover deeper parts of the self, to grow as a whole person, and to eventually convey that through her art.

Heidi’s artistic trajectory shifted into painting a decade later. She began exploring with drawing, watercolor, and oil. She began studying with and learning from Cuban artist Julio Larraz. From him, she learned composition of subject matter, the intuitive nature of a color palette, and the constant discipline it takes to be able to convey one’s intentions and visual contributions to the world.

Working out of her studio in Denver, Heidi continues to develop her style as an artist while pursuing the “streams of consciousness” that find their way into her mind and onto the canvas.

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Opening Reception: Friday, Aug. 16, 5-8 p.m.