
#28 Rubric
09/25/2019 - 09/27/2019
#28 Rubric
Carnegie Courtyard, McNichols Civic Center Building
Sept. 25-27, 2019
#28 Rubric is an installation by Denver-based artist Brandon Bullard. The piece will be on display outside of the McNichols Building throughout the Biennial of the Americas Festival and will serve as a visual representation of textile waste produced each year.
Clothing generously donated by arc Thrift Stores of Colorado.
#28 Rúbrica
Patio Carnegie – Edificio “McNichols” del Centro Cívico
Sept. 25-27, 2019
# 28 Rúbrica es una instalación del artista Brandon Bullard, que reside en Denver. La pieza se exhibirá en el exterior del Edificio “McNichols” durante el Festival de la Bienal de las Américas y servirá como una representación visual de los desechos textiles producidos cada año.
Ropa generosamente donada por ARC Thrift Stores of Colorado.